Your support and contributions will enable us to give back to our community with Scholarships for Fannin County High School Students, local Food Pantries, healthcare for the local community, and restoration of our Masonic Lodge.
Your generous donation will help fund our mission.
Your support and contributions will enable us to give back to our community with Scholarships for Fannin County High School Students, local Food Pantries, healthcare for the local community, and restoration of our Masonic Lodge.
Your generous donation will help fund our mission.
Your Annual Dues and associated on-line Fees are included.
Please consider donating to the College Scholarship and Building Restoration Funds.
Your support and contributions will enable us to provide College Scholarships to deserving Fannin County High School Graduates.
Your support and contributions will enable us to provide assistance to deserving Fellow Masonic Brothers, their Widows and Orphans.
Your support and contributions will enable us to repair our aging Historic Lodge building, furniture and upgrade our restroom facilities.